Friday, 4 June 2010


Sorry, sorry, sorry! It has been so long and, though I would love to give you some fabulous excuse, the truth is I have been busy. Anyhow, I am back now so get yourself a coffee and prepare to be in for a long one. I will get the serious things out of the way first and would like to confirm that, after many, MANY tests, my guinea pig husband has been given the all clear.

Since Americo’s ‘extreme fainting’ life has progressed at an alarming rate - we are already in June and my last post was April. I know, a shocking case of neglect. As per always SOOOO many things have been, and still are, going on…. we had all Americo’s tests, then our medicals for the Aussie visa (I cannot begin to explain how ‘over’ being poked and prodded Americo is!), the flooded house, my ongoing search for a bigger and better pay cheque. Where to begin? I think it will have to be with the ‘Flooded House’.

Finally there is light at the end of that very long tunnel, after months of not much progress things have bounded forward. Two weeks ago I did a stint of working from home so that I could manage the work and workmen at closer range. What bliss .. the working from home part that is! Anyway I digress, we had the damp proof specialists in, who (predictably) damp proofed the house but also, replaced the drenched joist and sprayed for woodworm. Since the house is already in a state, it might as well REALLY be in a state? A few days later two handymen arrived to refit the kitchen and do general handy man type things. I happily let them in, advised what needed doing and promptly went home to get some work done.

At about 3 that afternoon I got a call saying.. “Very sorry love, kitchen won’t be going in today, the new plaster on the wall is too thick and has pushed out the cupboard” (there by pushing out the next one.. and the next – I am sure you get the general idea), “Ok” I responded, “what can we do about that?”
“Well, I have removed what I can and for the rest I will need a power chisel. Think it might be best if you come have a look”.

Back I rushed to the house - I am beginning to feel like a yo yo I am there so often! I must mention here I am nothing if not determined, and trust me, I was determined that, come what may, the kitchen would be installed. Once at the house I saw the problem and realised that he was, unfortunately, not exaggerating the situation. A power tool was required but .. where, OH where, to get one? I called Americo and he started searching out our options, then I had an epiphany. I walked back into the house, looked at our two handymen and advised “just give me 15 minutes.. I am going to go find a power chisel”.

Down the street I walked and noticed all kinds of busy and industrious work going on. Well now, I believe I have found the answer to my problem. I mosey on over to one of the houses and ask, if by any chance they have what I am looking for. Sadly all that female anguish was completely wasted as the gentlemen could not understand a word of English. Undeterred I march over to the next house with building operations. Feeling slightly desperate I explain my predicament to the next crew, unfortunately they didn’t have what I needed either but very helpfully suggested that the electrician might.

They asked me in and, I will admit to a certain amount of apprehension about a lone woman in a strangers house with no means of escape, luckily The Man (god bless his socks) appeared at the top of the stairs and, with much distressed hand waving, I outlined once more that “My kitchen has been out of commission for a week. I have the men here to install it and there is a problem.. please, please do YOU have a power chisel that I could borrow for 30 minutes”.

My new found bestest, best friend not only lent us the chisel and accessories but drove me back to the house and dropped it off. You should have seen the faces as I walked in explaining that Gary had very kindly brought us the required equipment and therefore we now had no reason not to have my kitchen fitted! Americo was also suitably impressed and so, a happy ending was had!

I am sure you will be pleased to know that my postings on our broken house will shortly be at an end … with the next instalments on the house geared towards finding new, hopefully less crazy tenants.

Until then – a happy, sunny weekend!

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