Thursday, 29 January 2009

In the News today!

Markets fell again today amongst more uncertainty in the banking community. Watching the chaos with the banks is like a virtual rollercoaster ride, yesterday up today down - I am curious to see what tomorrow will bring….

For once there is some good news in Zimbabwe, the ‘government’ has seen the light and are allowing businesses and people to trade with forex. For years the government has been losing out on taxes – how can you tax a bartering system? Well you cannot! There is no way to document getting your house painted or roof repaired for the other party to service your car in return. Mugabe & his fighters fought the Rhodesians so ‘his people could be free’ but who is there now to save the Zimbabweans from Mugabe?

With the whole world in various stages of turmoil and the first world countries needing to keep their resources close to home what happens with regards to aid? Historically these countries have been the first to step up offering assistance to the poorer nations in times of need. However, everyone is in need at the moment. Europe & America cannot, in good conscience send money out when they will be having issues of their own. With this in mind I wonder if it will incentivise the African communities to pull together and feed their starving?

Either way I view aid as a catch 22 – the more it is given to Africa (for example) the less likely Africa is ever going to be able to stand up and be counted. There is no reason for such a rich continent to be reliant on anyone else.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

The Art of KFC

I cannot lie to Americo not even the teeny fibs that make no difference to our life. For instance,

Last night I had a huge craving for KFC, fondly referred to in our house as Contraband ‘kin filthy. From this name you might have, rightly, deduced that Americo is not a fan. I, on the other hand, could eat there daily.

Knowing that for most of this week I shall be a ‘work widow’ I decided to grab my secret ‘kin filthy fix. Now don’t think that Americo was to be left starving, I had made asparagus soup which he loves and I am not so keen on. Anyhow, I dashed home with my take out.

Anyone taking up the art of deception will appreciate that since I was not meant to be eating KFC the remanents had to be disposed of. With this in mind I wrapped up the box along with all other evidence in a Sainsbury’s bag and chucked it. Everything was done to perfection, there was literally no way Americo would ever find out what I had sneaked in…. Except that I cannot lie to Americo!

And there it is folks, I may as well have left that empty carton sitting on the kitchen counter with a neon light. Then again, I don’t think it would have tasted so good or been as much fun if I had!!!

Tuesday, 27 January 2009


This morning I was running late for work. My alarm went off but instead of pressing snooze I whacked stop… Aggg! Americo, who almost always sets his alarm for 6am and then drags himself out of bed at 8, was still asleep.

Sometimes I look at him lying there all toasty warm, still snuggled up and really have to fight the urge not to whip the covers off him! I am sure he thanks the lord daily for my presence in his life…

Tuesday’s are just one of those days, you don’t hate it because it isn’t Monday but still it is not really a firm favourite. That is definitely how I feel today. The office is so quite it seems to sap all the energy out of me, but I know the minute I step out into the cool, crisp air I shall be revived.

Monday, 26 January 2009


The recession is big news here in the UK, everyone is incredibly concerned with the security of their savings, their pensions etc. This week has seen another hit on the banks with huge amounts being lost off share values. Confidence in the financial sector is taking a major knock, banks that you would previously have said were ‘safe as houses’ are floundering waiting for government assistance to pull them through. Where will it end?

One thing is for sure the media are having a field day – nothing sells like death, destruction and a failing economy. Government is trying to incentivise public spending whilst the media counteracts with tales of total financial melt down. Obviously, this instils great confidence in the population and so the cycle continues. In these uncertain times I have become an avid reader of the business section which has never been quite as exciting as it is now!

2009 is likely to be a challenge for many, including ourselves, however I do not believe that we should indulge in the current frenzy of doom too all. So said we have started our contingency plan, nothing major or panicked, more a subtle change of habits in order to plan for a slightly unsettled year ahead. Firstly we have reviewed the house hold bills, sadly there is nothing much to be done here, slight tweaks at best – changing provider for gas & electric, down scaling on the broadband. Another thing we have been very conscious of is electricity, for instance our house is reasonably large and takes FOREVER to heat up, so we currently only put the heating on if it is absolutely freezing or guests are coming round. Everyone thinks we are mad however whether the heating is on, or off, I am still in a heavy duty jacked...

Next we are looking to the food bill. On food there can be no compromise for quality, however we are implementing a ‘smarter’ purchasing plan. Now I know this sounds like logic, but how many of us just pop to the shops and end up with a trolley full of non-necessities costing a bomb? I have made a menu with a months worth of our favourite dishes, including one new, untried, meal per week. Next is a water tight shopping list of exactly what is required for our meals over a two week period. Why haven’t we done this before??

Currently we do a major shop once every 6-8 months at costco for all our bulk purchases i.e. toilet paper, washing powder, shampoo, soap and meat. We buy huge amounts of meat, weigh it and re-package it when we get home. This is a great saving as the meat is of the best quality but also discounted because it is bought in bulk. I estimate that our current food bill can be brought down by about £50 a month. Not a massive saving in itself however taken with other cost cutters I reckon we will be saving an additional £1,200 a year.

Sadly Americo won’t let me spend it on anything else!!


So 2008 is out and 2009 has well and truly settled in. I always find the beginning of a new year incredibly depressing. I think it has something to do with all those resolutions and everyone attempting to better themselves? For my part I am sticking with what I know, there will be no giving up of anything. Smoking shall continue as before along with all my other vices and general character failings! I shall not be committing myself to a gym membership, so lacking is my enthusiasm to run in one spot and go nowhere.

This brings to mind the one and only time Americo invited me to the gym with him. It was way back in the beginning, at that stage in a relationship when you are still offering to do ridiculous things… A suggested that we spend the day at his gym explaining, at my look of dismay, that it is not REALLY a gym, more like a leisure centre and we will get to spend the whole day together doing fun, but healthy things. As I am not a sporting person by nature I had to raid A’s cupboards for clothes, sadly I do not possess any sweat pants with ‘juicy’ written across the arse.

I was actually feeling quite excited, this would be my first time to set foot into one of these places. We started with warm ups then onto the rowing machine, next up was the treadmill. I detest running, I will not even run if I am late for the bus, so you must understand my feelings towards the treadmill… I looked over at my dashing boyfriend (now husband) running with dedication, feeling that fluttery something I lean over and ask;

“Sweetheart, don’t you think this would more fun if we held hands?” His look of horror, aghast that I should even suggest such a thing in this… THIS temple!

“Rozanne, this is not a walk in the park.. this is a serious work out!” He whispered back. Hmmm to him maybe, but not to me.

Needless to say that was the first and last time we went to the Leisure Centre together. Seriously.. Leisure Center???? More like house of pain.

Anyhow, I digress.. Last year was a big one for A & I, we attempted to do ALL the big life changing events in the space of a few months. In February we got engaged, May we found our dream home, July we finalised the purchase and moved into said home. Our finale was getting married in September.
I am hoping this year will be less frenzied but just as good in all kinds of other ways. So all the best for 2009 may it be another year to remember!