Thursday 26 February 2009


I love my job, but recently I have realised that is it not so much a career that I am after, more a, what is the word … oh yes! Paycheque. Truly this is what makes me wake up in the morning, smile at people who irritate me and answer stupid questions.

Today, for instance, my esteemed leader and commander is arguing that there are computer pixies mysteriously stealing R’s from our correspondence. Interestingly though these, computer R stealing nymphs, only steal the R’s from youR, thereby turning all sensible e-mails into a confused mix of you’s instead of your’s! Obviously there is a highly organised, R stealing, gang roving about our office cyberspace.

This has been a long standing debate, with me, (patiently) trying to explain that dropping an R from your is a fairly common typing error. HE, however is sticking firmly to the fact that gremlins and goblins are trying to take over the world, one R at a time.

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