Monday 13 July 2009


Oh there is just so much to tell that I barely know where to begin! We left off on Friday with me dashing to the station and heading off to Reading for Pearl’s 30th. I am sorry to say that there are no decent photo’s of the evening, such a same…

The train journey to Reading was fairly uneventful and I successfully managed to navigate my way to the hotel without getting lost, quite an achievement for a girl who cannot tell her left from her right. Pearl’s party was held in a very trendy cocktail bar where she had hired out the VIP lounge.. and thus the evening began. Two for one cocktails - it sounds like a good idea, however the next morning, when you feel that someone has opened a mining operation to your brain, it is not quite so clever. Anyhow a wonderful night was had by all, ending with Americo & I weaving our way to the hotel at about 3ish.

On Saturday I woke to an anvil being repeatedly bashed upon my skull and the BOOM, BOOM, BOOM of the new Black Eyed Peas song on repeat. Oooh the pain, the pain; I was somewhat cheered though to see that Americo was not faring any better! (Misery loves company!) Feeling slightly better after breakfast (lunch), painkillers and coke we gingerly walked to the car.

From Reading we had to find our way to Pear & Peter’s to prepare for the next leg of our celebration weekend. Little problem, our trusty TomTom had gone on strike - leaving us stranded in ‘the city of one ways’. Bravely we ventured where no unSat-Nav’ed car had gone before.

Eventually our TomTom was coaxed back into life and we arrived and P&P’s. Only now time was limited and we had to race about trying to get ready for the Blessing. No small task considering we all felt (and I am sure looked) somewhat jaded after the night before.

We made it to the Blessing, arriving fashionably late, to a greeting party of the Zimbabwean contingent outside, in the rain, having a communal cigarette..

Tomorrow I shall endeavour to provide highlights the weekend, of which when alcohol is involved, there are many!

Comic, care of Metro - nemi

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